I'm Basangouda Shivalli, Founder of Showkeen the artifacts studio. This testimonial is to Ar. Prasad Manvi of Think Space Architects for his brilliant and cost saving ideas given to my new venture where he went above and beyond a normal professional would do.
While setting up pur new artifacts studio Showkeen, I thought that I would set it up as per my taste and vision as to how it would be. Better sense prevailed and I made one the best decisions that any businessman can make - I got a true professional to advise me on the highly specialised and skilled area, which can have a colossal impact on the look and feel of any commercial retail space.
Ar. Prasad Manvi took all the inputs from me, turned some of my concepts around, outrightly rejected some concepts - the rejection of those concepts ultimately saved me a whole to time and money, in terms of lower costs, faster execution & long term low maintenance materials for the interiors of Showkeen, the artifacts studio. His plan was simple, amazing, space saving, geared towards being easy to maintain - I ran out of plaudits to describe all that Ar. Prasad Manvi did to ensure that we had an amazing looking studio.
That made me realize that space which would have been an ordinary retail store now has a sheen of elegance and patina of poshness. This look is something that only a true professional like Ar. Prasad Manvi could give us.
I, Basangouda Shivalli, Founder, Showkeen - The Artifacts Studio A am privileged and honored to share this testimonial about Ar. Prasad Manvi from Think Space Architects and I will readily endorse him to everyone in my contact sphere.